August 30, 2017

Perfect Ideas to Put on a Lunch Box

Meals can be important in our everyday lives, and planning on them can be more important. As parents, we would always want our family to have the best food intake for their health, and keep them in good shape and condition. There are a lot of food choices available for lunch boxes. However, we often find it hard which one gives the best benefits for their health. Here are some ideas that you can have for preparing kids’ lunch boxes for school, or for you in the office:

Fruit – Fresh or tinned fruits are best choices in packing for a lunch. Dried fruits are found to be high in sugar, low in fiber and would cause tooth decay to children.

Vegetables – one good idea is a pack of vegetable sticks with dip in a separate container. Mixed vegetables such as cherry, tomatoes, cucumber and carrot sticks will also do.

Milk, Yogurt, or custard – a small drink of milk for lunch is good; just wrap it in a cloth inside the lunch box to keep its temperature.

Dips, Cheese, Biscuits – homemade versions of cheese and crackers are good. Especially for children, mini packaged cheese is interesting. Sweet dips are not always good, so it is better that you avoid them.

Bread – Add in the lunch box a variety of bread, especially when your child starts to lose interest in a plain sandwich of loaf breads. Maybe you can try bread rolls, pita bread, buns, muffins, corn thins, etc.

Muffins and cakes – homemade muffins and cakes are preferable, because you can have it in a customized manner. You can add a few more vegetables and fruits in it.

Muesli and breakfast bars – When we hear of ‘bar’, we often think that they are usually high in sugar content, but cereal bars may be a good breakfast. A combination of muesli and chocolate bars are not recommended, as they are expensive and are drowned with fats and sugar.

Because health should always come first, we must also realize that they depend on what we feed our body and how we take care of it. As early as today, we should be aware of the nutritional contents and effects of whatever we put into our mouth. Start living a healthy life today and invest in healthy foods.

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