September 6, 2017

Life Hack: How to Organize Your Daily Schedule

We all have been advised to manage our time especially that a hectic schedule lies ahead. Organizing our daily schedule is something one must do, but really does one start? We all would think it is impossible to fit in tasks between just 9 and 5 or 9 and 8, but effectively planning your every day is a skill than anyone can learn. Here are four leading attitudes to help you manage your daily schedule.

1.       Think before you act. Think twice. How do you start your day? Do you often go to the office, sit at your own desk and do just anything you can think of disregarding the deadline? That doesn’t sound to be a great idea of having a good day. Instead, invest even just a few minutes to plan your daily schedule. Review your meetings and appointments being very careful with the date and time, and determine which ones should be on top of the priority list.

2.       Start with Something Big. Most of the time, people waster the first two hours of their day doing the “usual busy work” they have which includes checking mail, opening mail, surfing the web, and others instead of having a time to settle their schedule of the day. This type of habit makes you feel another wasted morning feeling you have accomplished nothing. The best thing to do about this is to choose one big task to do as soon as you get in to the office. It can be something that should be done early, something that is approaching deadline, or maybe something that you long desire to have been doing.

3.       Break your day into blocks. Today in the busy and fast – pacing world, multitasking has been a mainstream. People seem to feel they are not productive if they are not doing five tasks at a time. Actually, you will be able to be more productive if you give a portion of time into something at a time where you could fully give your focus. Be sure to finish it before going to the other task.

4.       Usually when the clock strikes at 5, all you want to do is jump out of the chair and go home. But taking just a few minutes to plan for tomorrow makes a huge difference. Make it a habit to stop working 15 minutes early, clean up your desk and put away any unnecessary item. Check and review your schedule for the next day and be sure to be prepared.

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