June 29, 2018

Top 5 Extras You Can Add To Your Next Bath

Nothing beats a really good bath after a stressful day at work, school or travel. Moreover, the bath does not only give off that relaxing feel, it can also help in promoting muscle relaxation, regular blood circulation, regular sleep and more.

They key to getting the most out of your bath is the inclusion of the perfect ingredient. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT? That's so fine. We are giving you our top 5 ingredients you can add to your next bath.

Bath Salts
This ingredient is great for exfoliating which promotes a softer and smoother skin. It also promotes mental relaxation while reducing stress, helps relax sore muscles and moisturizes your skin.

Adding milk is never a surprise. Milk has fats, proteins as well as vitamins which help to moisturize the skin making it soft and supple. Just pour in a few cups of milk to your bath and enjoy a relaxing and rejuvenating dip.

Essential Oils
Baths with essential oils are so relaxing because of its aroma and health benefits for both the body and the mind which help reduce stress, repair irritated skin and promote healthy hair. 

Adding lemon to your bath is very beneficial to your skin. It will make it glowing and more even. Lemon also helps refresh your skin and minimize your pores, lighten uneven skin, and rejuvenate your skin. Plus, lemon has mood enhancing effect.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is very famous for its health benefits. It is also great to add to a bath. Just add a cup of Apple Cider Vinegar and this will effectively eliminate sunburn discomfort. It also helps flush out toxins from the body.

There you go! Among these 5 ingredients which one have you tried and how's your experience? We would love to know!

Top 3 Hair Care Myths You Should Stop Believing

Most people have so many beliefs about this and that only to find out that they are simply myths that should have long been debunked. 

Likewise, we also have beliefs when it comes to our hair and actually, most of them are just myths and we are so tired of hearing them. So, we decided to debunk them today.

Here are our top 3 hair care myths you should stop believing.

Sleeping With Wet Hair
This is a number one myth which a lot of us believed while we were growing to adults. They say, when you sleep with wet hair, you are going to be blind. But really no! I mean a big fat NO! 

There is no study or a case that would prove this myth to be true. So, until then this will stay as a myth.

Cut Your Hair To Grow It Faster
I'm sure your mom used to trim or cut your hair when you were a child saying that it will make your hair grow faster. NO! That is a myth. There is no science behind this. Although trimming or cutting the edges of the hair will get rid of the split ends or unhealthy hair it will not promote fast hair growth. And Ohhh! Moms trim our eyelashes too but that one is also a myth.

Brush Your Hair 100x Before Bed
They say if you want a healthier and shinier hair, you should brush your hair 100x every night before bed and I was like, 'Seriously? Do I have to really count until 100x? Can I cut it to 50x?

No, that is another myth! Although brushing your hair regularly can somehow help to promote healthier hair by distributing the natural oil, doing too much is not always the best option. In fact, when you brush your hair too much it can create friction and cause frizz. So, brush only when needed and brush it gently.

June 20, 2018

3 Ways To Make Your Bath Therapeutic

Bath is generally relaxing, refreshing and wait... what? THERAPEUTIC?

Yes, you heard it right. You can make your bath extra special and therapeutic by adding these few ingredients on your next bath.

Lavender and Chamomile
Lavender and chamomile can actually help you have a good and relaxing sleep. 

Chamomile is known to have calming power and helps lower the stress hormone levels while the lavender is known for its relaxing power.

Lemon and Peppermint Oil
If you have a long and tiring day ahead and you want to have more energy to face it, just add lemon and peppermint oil in your bath.

The scent of the lemon can actually enhance the positive chemical reaction in the brain while the aroma of peppermint oil can help increase your level of alertness.

Epsom Salt and Lavender
Magnesium found in Epsom salt is known to help ease any muscular pain as studies show. Lavender, on the other hand, helps lessen inflammation and pain on sore muscles.

Next time you take a bath, take note which of these therapeutic ingredients you want to add depending on what you want to get relief from. Really... these ingredients are super affordable yet with wonderful therapeutic effects you'll thank God for.

Have an enjoyable, relaxing and invigorating bath everyone!

June 18, 2018

Top 3 Reasons To Choose Sling Bag Over Another

There are many different styles and types of bags available today which men and women both use and the sling bag are just one of them.
It may be the simplest type, sling bag actually are actually simple yet very functional.

So, should you choose sling bag over another? Here's why!

Handy and Comfortable
Sling bags are typically small which makes it very handy and comfortable to hang over your shoulder. It is also lightweight so you don't need to worry about getting that sore in your shoulder. 

Although as small as it is, you can only bring the stuff that is really needed for your specific errand. Thus, sling bags are perfect for every day on the go moments.

Sling bags are undeniably functional. It has easy access which we all want. Just one open and you can get what you need right away. You don't need to go look around all the pockets and places inside your bag.

Sling bags are meant to wrap from one shoulder across the other side of your body. Thus, it is more secure from any type of snatch. You can keep your valuable things in there without having to worry.

Really sling bags are perfect for everyday use. May it be for formal or casual - sling bags are your best choice. Plus, not to mention, they are really cute and stylish.

June 13, 2018

Coconut Oil: The Health Benefits You'll Love

Coconut oil has undoubtedly a super wide collection of health benefits. Indeed, there are so many reasons to love it.

Here are just a few:

For a Healthy Hair
Coconut oil has long been used for the hair. It helps to nourish the hair with its unique composition. In fact, there are lots of hair product in the market that uses coconut as their main ingredient. You can either buy from there or make your own coconut oil treatment.

For a Smooth Skin
Just like the hair, coconut oil is also great for the skin. It is a great natural moisturizer and lip balm. Coconut oil is loaded with natural antioxidant properties that are effective in stopping wrinkles and any skin allergies or irritation.

For a Normal Digestion
Coconut oil has beneficial fats that are useful for keeping the digestion normal and healthy. It has also antimicrobial properties that help combat infections.

For a Balanced Hormone Production
Getting the unhealthy fats actually has negative effects on a hormonal level. Coconut oil's healthy fats can actually fight that and help balance the hormone production.

For a Strong Immune System
Coconut can actually boost the immune system with its MCTs or Medium Chain Triglyceride which includes lauric acid, capric acid, and caprylic acid. These MCTs have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral qualities that make it helpful for immune support.

June 11, 2018

5 Simple Tips For A Regular Bowel Movement

There are different factors which can cause constipation, which includes the change of routine just like when becoming pregnant, taking certain medications, dieting, traveling, and lacking physical exercise, especially for the aged people. 

The good news is you can do the following tips to avoid these. 

Take In More Fiber
What most people today rely mostly on laxatives that are available in the market. Although laxatives are really helpful it is better if you change your diet and add in more fiber - more natural and has long-term benefits.

Avoid Low-Fiber Foods
As much as possible avoid eating less fibrous food such as ice cream, meat, processed foods, cheese, sugary foods like desserts and soda. WHY? Low-Fiber Foods are the number of causes of constipation.

Hydrate Often
Drinking water, tea and fresh juices from fruits and veggies can significantly contribute to a regular bowel movement and avoid constipation.

Break Stress
Stress can actually cause constipation. HOW? It can cause the large intestines to spasm which results in pain and even hard stools. So, always find time to do something you love and enjoy or join YOGA classes and the like.

Let It GO!
Just like Elsa did, LET IT GO! Don't ignore the urge to go. Resisting your urge is also a common factor which can result in constipation. 

June 6, 2018

Top 5 Health Benefits You Can Get Out Of Garlic

Garlic is a common ingredient in every kitchen. A kitchen is never complete without garlic same as any dish. In the early times, however, garlic was profoundly valued for its various health benefits, which are passed down to many generations. But not until these recent times that people have discovered more of the garlic's worth. What are those? 

Read along on our top 5 list of health benefits you can get out of garlic.

1. Purifies Blood
If you are suffering from acne, used almost all products but still not getting rid of it - garlic is the answer. Just take two cloves of fresh garlic and add some warm water. Take it early in the morning and drink a lot of water. Garlic is effective in cleansing your system and rinse out the bad toxins.

2. Combats Common Illnesses

With daily consumption of garlic, it can actually boost the immune system keeping you away from common illnesses like colds and cough.

According to a study, it is observed that a high dose of garlic extract with around 2.56 grams per day can actually reduce the number of days sick with cold or a cough by approximately 61%.

3. Reduce Blood Pressure

A lot of people can actually attest to this that this really works. In fact, for some people, if they have a family member who is having high blood pressure, right then and there, they put a glove of garlic in the mouth to lessen the pressure. And really, it does work like magic!
In addition, high doses of garlic help improve blood pressure of those people having hypertension. 

4. Fights Bacteria

Garlic is also known for its antibiotic ability to treat fungal, bacterial, and parasitic infections. In fact, studies show that diluted garlic juice helps babies with tapeworm infections. 

It is also effective as a mouthwash. Yes, I know it doesn't sound fun but by adding a little amount of garlic extract is enough to fight off cavity and bad breath-causing bacteria.

5. Helps Maintain Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails

Garlic is known to have invigorating properties that protect the skin from free radicals. Thus, decreases the depletion of the collagen in the skin. It can also treat many skin problems such as allergies, fungal infections, eczema etc.

If you are slowly losing your natural crown, you might want to rub freshly crushed garlic on your hair and get back your glory. Garlic is known to stop and even reverse hair loss.

Garlic seems to have some advantages for bone health by boosting estrogen levels in females. Although more human studies are needed to support it.

However, a lot of women are actually putting garlic extracts straight on their nails, believing that it helps thickens the nails making it stronger and healthier. Well, it is still practiced until today and it seems to really work.

So, what are your garlic stories? We would love to know!