June 20, 2018

3 Ways To Make Your Bath Therapeutic

Bath is generally relaxing, refreshing and wait... what? THERAPEUTIC?

Yes, you heard it right. You can make your bath extra special and therapeutic by adding these few ingredients on your next bath.

Lavender and Chamomile
Lavender and chamomile can actually help you have a good and relaxing sleep. 

Chamomile is known to have calming power and helps lower the stress hormone levels while the lavender is known for its relaxing power.

Lemon and Peppermint Oil
If you have a long and tiring day ahead and you want to have more energy to face it, just add lemon and peppermint oil in your bath.

The scent of the lemon can actually enhance the positive chemical reaction in the brain while the aroma of peppermint oil can help increase your level of alertness.

Epsom Salt and Lavender
Magnesium found in Epsom salt is known to help ease any muscular pain as studies show. Lavender, on the other hand, helps lessen inflammation and pain on sore muscles.

Next time you take a bath, take note which of these therapeutic ingredients you want to add depending on what you want to get relief from. Really... these ingredients are super affordable yet with wonderful therapeutic effects you'll thank God for.

Have an enjoyable, relaxing and invigorating bath everyone!

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