June 29, 2018

Top 3 Hair Care Myths You Should Stop Believing

Most people have so many beliefs about this and that only to find out that they are simply myths that should have long been debunked. 

Likewise, we also have beliefs when it comes to our hair and actually, most of them are just myths and we are so tired of hearing them. So, we decided to debunk them today.

Here are our top 3 hair care myths you should stop believing.

Sleeping With Wet Hair
This is a number one myth which a lot of us believed while we were growing to adults. They say, when you sleep with wet hair, you are going to be blind. But really no! I mean a big fat NO! 

There is no study or a case that would prove this myth to be true. So, until then this will stay as a myth.

Cut Your Hair To Grow It Faster
I'm sure your mom used to trim or cut your hair when you were a child saying that it will make your hair grow faster. NO! That is a myth. There is no science behind this. Although trimming or cutting the edges of the hair will get rid of the split ends or unhealthy hair it will not promote fast hair growth. And Ohhh! Moms trim our eyelashes too but that one is also a myth.

Brush Your Hair 100x Before Bed
They say if you want a healthier and shinier hair, you should brush your hair 100x every night before bed and I was like, 'Seriously? Do I have to really count until 100x? Can I cut it to 50x?

No, that is another myth! Although brushing your hair regularly can somehow help to promote healthier hair by distributing the natural oil, doing too much is not always the best option. In fact, when you brush your hair too much it can create friction and cause frizz. So, brush only when needed and brush it gently.

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