Everyone in their childhood has experienced the disturbance of those tiny insects living in their head that’s about the size of a sesame seed. We know that they need human blood to live but dies quickly after they fall off. Since they are highly contagious from person to person, even a couple of eggs can lead to a major infestation. But how can we effectively get rid of them and their eggs? Here are the following steps.
First, confirm if it is lice. Before doing all the process of cleaning the hair and scalp from these insects, one must be able to confirm that lice or eggs are present. Symptoms of dandruff and dry skin are somehow the same as the symptoms of having lice, so be sure to check your scalp close under a light.
Second, understand that lice treatments contain mild pesticides that are safe to the scalp. Nevertheless, children still need adult supervision because they are toxic. Those who have a history of skin allergy should first consult the doctor before using lice treatments. An adult female louse lays an average of six eggs in a day; therefore, getting rid of these insects requires both killing the adult one and removing their eggs.
Third, use a delousing shampoo. A number of different over-the-counter products are available in stores and pharmacies, with instructions on the package. Usually, a shampoo needs to be left in the hair for a few minutes. Repeat treatment on the several days after the first application.
Next, remove nits with a comb. Since a treatment does not guarantee killing eggs a hundred percent, a fine-toothed comb might be used to comb out all nits. Begin combing at the crown of the head, down to the neck, one side of the head, then finally, to the other side.
And finally, clean all possible sources of contagion. A delousing shampoo helps in preventing reinfestation because they cannot jump. However, lice can be transferred through direct contact of two heads, or indirect contact through objects such as pillows or combs. Therefore, cleaning of all possible ways of contagion is a must.
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